Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Lost Gospels

Have you heard about the lost books of the Bible? the Dead Sea Scrolls? the Nag Hammadi Library? the missing years of Jesus? or the Lost Gospels?

This has been a subject of great interest to me for many years. It was when I was first exposed to the Rastafarian movement that I came across the idea that the Bible has been tampered with and sections being added or deleted. This made sense from the Rasta perspective, being a movement of black redemption and African self-determination in reaction and response to racism, slavery, oppression, and the ideology of white supremacy. It made sense that racist Church Father's and Pope's would allow such a thing as, changing the Holy Bible, to fit their motives and justify slavery and other injustices.

But it was when I began to learn about lost gospels and such early Christian groups like the Essenes that I started to research and study these lost books for myself. Some of these stories sound crazy, like Jesus killing a small boy in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, or Jesus not dieing and appearing like a giant, along with a talking and floating Cross in the Gospel of Peter. Some stories give hint to the possible intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in the Gospal of Phillip, and then there is the Gnostic or knowledge-sayings of the Gospel of Thomas. Many of these books were known about because they were mentioned by the early Church Fathers as heretical books with reference to heretical groups which revered these books in various early Christian movements. But we had no versions of them available because they were likely burned and stomped out. Then finally, discoveries were made at a place called Nag Hammadi in Egypt and these lost gospels were finally revealed again to the world. These lost gospels came to be known as The Nag Hammadi Library.

I found this video documentary very well done and a perfect introduction to the Lost Gospels and glimpse at what early Christianity really looked like. Watch and Enjoy!

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