Ostara is a fertility festival celebrating the birth of Spring and the reawakening of life from the Earth. The energies of Nature burst forth, leaving behind Winter death to replace it with the new light and life of Spring.
It is at this time when light and darkness are in balance, yet the light is growing stronger by the day. The forces of masculine and feminine energy, yin and yang, are also in balance at this time. It is the time when the World is awakening, trees budding, flowers stretching their leaves out to the sun. It is a rebirth of the world after the cold Winter months. The Vernal Equinox is also a festival of Fertility of the Earth, the crops, the plants and trees.
In 2012 Ostara occurs on March 20th at 1:14AM Eastern. This lesser Sabbat is celebrated on the Vernal or spring equinox on or around March 21st.
Ostara signifies the time when the Great Goddess, who was a virgin at Imbolc, is now joining with the Sun God, she conceives a child which will be born at Yule.
In keeping with the Wheel of the Year Ostara is a time to celebrate new beginnings and opportunities. Ostara is seen as a time of renewal so it is also an excellent time for “Spring Cleaning” not only to clean the physical realm but also to clear away negative influences as well. One way of clearing unpleasant energies from the home might be to hand wash all the floors while rubbing in a “clockwise” direction as this is thought to bring in positive energies and encourages growth.
This is a time of beginnings, action, planting spells, and of tending the gardens. This is the start in the Pagan year of spring, at least among Wiccans and Celtics. The first flowers are praised and the God and Goddess thanked for the true return to happier times for all. Feasting and socializing are the important factors in this holiday as well as the celebration of the return of color to the natural world. In the Christian calendar, again to draw early worshipers, they marked this as the final days and rebirth of Jesus (when according to history he died in June!)
Saint Patrick's Day March 17th
Saint Joseph's Day March 19th
Spring Equinox March 20th
Easter April 8th
Ostara Symbolizes the New Spring Season of Rebirth and Transformation
Jesus Christ Easter Resurrection Symbolizes Rebirth of Spring
The History of St. Patrick
The Life of St. Joseph
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