Ethiopia ancient churches of Lalibela having ties to Aliens?
History Channel has this show called Ancient Aliens, which I really enjoy!
I overstand all of the theories and they make sense from that perspective most the time, although I feel they too often make every mystical or mythic ancient event into the work of ancient aliens and not of God or angels, ect.. while I overstand that they ancient astronaut theorists simply interpret angels and gods as ancient aliens and that idea makes sense but its more then possible that God is the Original Ancient of Days (Alien or Beyond this world), and it is likely that God can and has manifested to perform miracles, sometimes His empowered angels are sent, sometimes empowered gods or devas and devis manifest with supernatural power, sometime humans, saints, yogis, or mystics display amazing powers, so the reality is that all of these have likely happened and ancient aliens is a new way of interpreting supernatural power and the existence of life beyond this planet and beyond this dimension.
The second video is an interpretation of the Ethiopia / E.T. / Alien connection from a Ethiopic / Biblical / Rastafari perspective and overstanding. Ras Iadonis is a well respected scholar and wisdom teacher of Ethiopian History, Language and Culture. He makes mention of the interesting note that when History Channel aired this episode with the theory that Ancient Aliens were the angels that helped build the Lalibela churches and that would one day return to take the Ark of the Covenant back to another dimension or planet, that the Abuna Paulos (Head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church) was discussing with the Roman Catholic Pope about opening the Ark up on display (after its been help in secret for 3,000 years), making it accessible to theft or capture. It's a pretty interesting idea. Check it out!
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Varanasi, India : Beyond movie
For many years I've been fascinated with the path of the Sadhus of India. Sadhus are holy men who renounce everything in life to devote their hearts to the Divine and practicing very ancient and mystical traditions. I've collected a number of excellent documentary films and books about the Sadhus and particular Sadhu saints. A friend of mine, sent this movie to me and I find it very well done and beautiful! So here it is:
Varanasi, India: Beyond
Varanasi, India: "Beyond" from Cale Glendening on Vimeo.
PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Lost Gospels
Have you heard about the lost books of the Bible? the Dead Sea Scrolls? the Nag Hammadi Library? the missing years of Jesus? or the Lost Gospels?
This has been a subject of great interest to me for many years. It was when I was first exposed to the Rastafarian movement that I came across the idea that the Bible has been tampered with and sections being added or deleted. This made sense from the Rasta perspective, being a movement of black redemption and African self-determination in reaction and response to racism, slavery, oppression, and the ideology of white supremacy. It made sense that racist Church Father's and Pope's would allow such a thing as, changing the Holy Bible, to fit their motives and justify slavery and other injustices.
But it was when I began to learn about lost gospels and such early Christian groups like the Essenes that I started to research and study these lost books for myself. Some of these stories sound crazy, like Jesus killing a small boy in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, or Jesus not dieing and appearing like a giant, along with a talking and floating Cross in the Gospel of Peter. Some stories give hint to the possible intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in the Gospal of Phillip, and then there is the Gnostic or knowledge-sayings of the Gospel of Thomas. Many of these books were known about because they were mentioned by the early Church Fathers as heretical books with reference to heretical groups which revered these books in various early Christian movements. But we had no versions of them available because they were likely burned and stomped out. Then finally, discoveries were made at a place called Nag Hammadi in Egypt and these lost gospels were finally revealed again to the world. These lost gospels came to be known as The Nag Hammadi Library.
I found this video documentary very well done and a perfect introduction to the Lost Gospels and glimpse at what early Christianity really looked like. Watch and Enjoy!
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This has been a subject of great interest to me for many years. It was when I was first exposed to the Rastafarian movement that I came across the idea that the Bible has been tampered with and sections being added or deleted. This made sense from the Rasta perspective, being a movement of black redemption and African self-determination in reaction and response to racism, slavery, oppression, and the ideology of white supremacy. It made sense that racist Church Father's and Pope's would allow such a thing as, changing the Holy Bible, to fit their motives and justify slavery and other injustices.
But it was when I began to learn about lost gospels and such early Christian groups like the Essenes that I started to research and study these lost books for myself. Some of these stories sound crazy, like Jesus killing a small boy in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, or Jesus not dieing and appearing like a giant, along with a talking and floating Cross in the Gospel of Peter. Some stories give hint to the possible intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in the Gospal of Phillip, and then there is the Gnostic or knowledge-sayings of the Gospel of Thomas. Many of these books were known about because they were mentioned by the early Church Fathers as heretical books with reference to heretical groups which revered these books in various early Christian movements. But we had no versions of them available because they were likely burned and stomped out. Then finally, discoveries were made at a place called Nag Hammadi in Egypt and these lost gospels were finally revealed again to the world. These lost gospels came to be known as The Nag Hammadi Library.
I found this video documentary very well done and a perfect introduction to the Lost Gospels and glimpse at what early Christianity really looked like. Watch and Enjoy!
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Thursday, August 23, 2012
Russian Jesus? Vissarion the Christ?
I just saw this video about Vissarion, the man in Siberia Russia who claims to be Jesus Incarnated, the Word of God, he has over 10,000 followers who most live in his spiritual community in Russia and they practice ecological harmony, a vegan diet, belief in reincarnation and UFOs and money is banned. This video documentary is very well done and leaves me fascinated and wanting to go visit myself to see and experience Vissarion and his community.
from Wikipedia:
Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop (Russian: Сергей Анатольевич Тороп, Sergej Anatolʹevič Torop; born January 14, 1961 in Krasnodar, Russian SFSR), known by his followers as Vissarion (Виссарион), is a Russian mystic. He founded and heads a religious movement known as the Church of the Last Testament with its head church in the Siberian Taiga in the Minusinsk Depression east of Abakan, in the southern Siberia Kuraginsk district of Krasnoyarsk
territory. He has around 4,000 followers (called Vissarionites) in
around thirty villages in the immediate vicinity of his base at Sun City
and approximately 10,000 followers around the world.
Vissarion claims to be a reincarnation of Jesus. He teaches reincarnation, veganism,
and the impending end of the world, or at least of civilization as we
know it. Vissarion claims to have experienced a mystical revelation in
May 1990, when he was 29. He first spoke publicly in Minusinsk on 18 August 1991. He founded the "Church of the Last Testament" (Церковь Последнего Завета Tserkov Poslednego Zaveta), also known as "Community of Unified Faith".
He was born in Krasnodar; after service in the Red Army, he settled in Minusinsk. He worked as a traffic policeman before losing his job in 1989. In 1991 he was "reborn" as Vissarion, the returned Jesus Christ. In his system this does not make him God, but instead the word of God. His religion combines elements of the Russian Orthodox Church with Buddhism, apocalypticism, collectivism, and ecological values. His followers observe strict regulations, are vegans, and are allowed no vices such as smoking or drinking alcohol and money is banned. The aim of the group is to unite all religions on Earth.Tiberkul, the settlement in the Taiga, was established in 1994 on a territory of 2.5 square kilometres, and today counts some five thousand inhabitants, largely living autochthonous and on ecological principles. It is centered around the villages of Petropavlovka and Cheremshanka. The settlement has a three-tiered structure: the Town itself (Abode of Dawn), the Heavenly Abode, and the Temple Peak.
In October 1995, the religious association of Vissarion officially registered as the "Church of the Last Testament".
Personal life
Vissarion has two wives, and six children from two marriages. He has expelled the first wife and married the young nineteen year-old girl, who was brought up at Vissarion's home from the age of seven.Vissarion has a sister named Irina. Vissarion considers Mary, mother of Jesus, as his own mother. The biological mother of Vissarion is a woman named Nadejda.
Vissarion's sect is estimated to have some ten thousand adherents, with claims of up to 50,000 adherents in eighty-three communities spread over 150 square kilometers..Since 1992, biographer Vadim Redkin has published an annual volume detailing Vissarion's activities. Vissarion has attracted a number of followers from Germany's esoteric subculture, and seven volumes of Vadim's account have been translated into German.
In March 2010, UK TV channel, Channel 4 showed an hour long documentary about Vissarion and his followers.
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Monday, August 13, 2012
Snoop Dogg reincarnated into Snoop Lion
Snoop Dogg officially announces that he has had a rebirth as a
Rastafarian, has changed his name to Snoop Lion & will be releasing a
Reggae Album soon! LOL AMAZING, FUNNY, & I Almost Expected
this to happen!
Check out what Yahoo News had to say with a headline story:
YORK (AP) — Snoop Dogg says he was "born again" during a visit to
Jamaica in January, is changing his name to Snoop Lion and is ready to
make music that his "kids and grandparents can listen to."
The artist known for gangster rap is releasing a reggae album called "Reincarnated" in the fall.The West Coast rapper held a news conference in New York on Monday. Later he played five songs for a small crowd, including one called "No Guns Allowed." It features his daughter.
The album will be followed with a documentary of the same name. It features him making music and will include some personal elements of his life, a producer of the film said. It will debut at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Blessed Mother's Day
Dr. Pillai says: "You may or may not like your mother or simply you don't think about her. No matter what your attitude to your living or deceased mother, the mother's soul deeply loves you and cares for you. The mother herself may not be consciously aware of her love towards her children. If you want to experience miracles in your life, you should re-establish your bond with your mother."
Mother's Day is a special day of the year when we can honor the mother in all forms. It is a day to recognize the women in our lives who raised us and who continue to nurture, educate, and love us each day. We also honor the archetypes of the Divine Mother, who are represented in both ancient cultures as well as present-day society. These archetypes embody the qualities of receptivity, grace and protection. As we connect with the Divine Mother through meditation and mythotherapy, we awaken these divine aspects within ourselves.
Symbols of Unconditional Love:
* Quan Yin is the Divine Mother represented as the Compassionate Goddess or Bodhisattva throughout much of Asia.
* In the Vedic tradition, Parvati is the Mother Goddess who embodies the "Shakti" or creative energy.
* Goddess Isis is the Divine Mother from ancient Egypt who represents healing and intuition.
* Mother Mary is a global symbol of peace, protection and Divine Grace.
* The indigenous cultures of the world honor our Mother Earth as the sacred source of all life. It is the Mother's quality of love and compassion that is necessary to heal our own lives as well as our planet. This Mother's Day, we invite you to celebrate your biological mother and also connect with the archetypes of the Mother Divine to heal old wounds and experience pure, unconditional love in 2012.
Recommendations for a Mother's Day Meditation Practice:
Connect with your mother on this auspicious day of love and beauty. Make sure to call or send a letter and let her know that you love her. A cleansing remedy package is also available to heal relationships of all types. Share this day with your loved ones and offer assistance to those in need. Support a local women's projects or spread your generosity to a charity of your desire. Create wealth and beauty through a daily meditation practice with the sound vibration 'Shreem'. Honor your deceased maternal ancestors with a daily offering of tarpanam. You may also want to order a special ancestor ritual performed in India to honor your mother's soul. Share a divine gift for the Golden Age with your mother.
Mother's Day is a wonderful opportunity to express gratitude for the women in our lives and to become empowered through the guidance of Divine archetypes. We wish you all a blissful celebration of the Mother Goddess!
In Love and Service, Pillai Center Team PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
This is the One!
for a African-American Choral Ensemble class...based on the song
about Martin Luther King Jr "This is the One". Our teacher Doc Mumford
asked us to write about someone we considered The One, in the likes of
say: Dr. King, Gandhi, Jesus, or any great soul!
This is the One!
It was in 1892 in the province of Harrar, Ethiopia
that Lidj Tafari Makonnen, Haile Selassie was born to Ras Makonnen and
Waizero Yeshemabet. This child was a direct descendent of the Biblical
King Solomon of Jerusalems union with the legendary Queen of Sheba of the southern most region of the Ethiopian Highlands.
prolonged drought had parched the land making life very difficult for
man and beast, and the populace prayed for rain as all their crops had
died. Ras Makonnen and his wife Waizero Yeshemabet not only prayed for
rain but prayed that this time the child she was about to deliver would
live, as in the past all seven children had died prematurely.
It was the 23rd
July 1892 and the process of childbearing was in motion. Waizero was
accompanied by a group of midwives to ensure that all necessary
assistance was present. Prayers went up for her safe delivery, and the entire province of Harrar was in silent meditation. Meanwhile, Ras Makonnen waited on his verandah hoping and praying that it was a son and that this time he would live.
heavens above became darkened with clouds not seen in a long while, as
the chant of the midwives break the utter quietness of the night. One of
the midwives uttered May Mary be near her and may the child live
(referring to the Mother of Christ). Soon, the midwives rushed outside
where Ras Makonnen was waiting, A Son is born! while the villagers fired
their rifles gleefully in the air. Ras
Makonnen rushed inside to behold his only begotten Son of the line of
King David, while the midwife anointed the childs lips with butter and
honey as was the custom.
The torrential downpour continued with thunder and lightning and the whole of Ethiopia
knew that something significant had happened. The prolonged drought had
ended at the instant of the childs birth, and a bright light shone from
the universe, described by scientists as one of the brightest comets.
Surely this was synonymous to the star which appeared at Christ birth
and was the fulfillment of Isaiah 9.6. The downpour however did not
prevent the people from all parts of the province to make their way to
Ras Makonnens house to pay respect to the only surviving child of the
union of Ras Makonnen and Waizero Yeshemabet. This child was the future
King of Ethiopia, The One that would lead them.
tales began to circulate about Tafari's boyhood, the most notable
concerning his supposed ability to speak to animals. During his youth,
it was claimed that he was seen on more than one occasion in the bush
conversing with leopards and lions and the fierce jungle beasts becoming
docile at his feet.
Tafari was extraordinarily bright and advanced student at a young age.
His knowledge concerning religious and mystical matters amazed his
teachers. He could quote freely from the Book of Kufale, the Book of
Enoch, Hermas the Shepherd, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Tobit, the Metsahfa
Berhan (Book of Light), the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, the Book of
Eden (secretly deleted from Genesis during the Dark Ages), all
thirty-one books of the Hebrew Bible, the twenty-one Canonical Books of
the New Testament, plus numerous Apocryphal and pseudo-pictographic
books. On one occasions a priest asked Tafari where he got his
knowledge. Tafari's reply was, he got much of it at the time of his
baptism, conducted, according to tradition, on the fortieth day of his
life. The Kes (priest) who presided at the ceremony had opened Tafari's
eyes with the first touch of Holy Chrism, then everything that ensued,
was comprehensible to the infant, as if he was an adult. He remembered
the priest pronouncing his surname and then his baptismal name, Haile
Selassie I (meaning Power of the Trinity), and then he blew softly in
his face to ward off evil spirits. This was the instant Tafari claimed
he felt himself enveloped by a golden glow and as the priest began to
anoint him, water touching his forehead, breast shoulders and all other
thirty seven prescribed places, he felt his knowledge increase, filling
him up like a vessel and endowing him with a great sense of clarity
about creation and the final purpose of man.
Lidj Tafari is said to have made it quite clear that he was well acquainted with the rare manuscripts of Abba Aragaive and other Coptic Monks, known as the Nine Saints, who entered Ethiopia in 480 AD and founded the first monasteries in Tigre province. He also revealed that he was acquainted with the occult applications of Urim and Thummim and the Mezuzah, as well as the use of the magic words Gematria and Notarilon in Egypt, necromancy and also the magical names Adonay, El, Elohe. He exhibited familiarity with the Cabalistic doctrines and the writings in Gilgamesh. The pagan rituals surrounding the worship of Isis, of the serpent Arwe and of the Abyssinian gods of Earth, (Meder), Sea (Beher) and War (Mahrem), as well as the Arcane of astrology and numerology, but most importantly, Tafari exhibited to the priest his understanding of the central messages in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Book of Two Ways. At one stage, an old Abmnet (or Abbot) allegedly asked to examine Tafari's palm. He saw that there was stigmata there and that the lifeline backed up on itself in an emblem of infinity. Tafari whispered a word in the Abbot's ear and all color drained from the old man's face. He left the room apparently in shock, refusing to return or to speak to his colleagues. Tafari addressed a monk who had served in the Cathedral at Axum here the Ark of the Covenant is kept. Tafari described to him, in Cushite, the Kedusta Kedussan, The Holy of Holies or Inner Sanctum where the Tabot, the Ark is kept and recited various inscriptions written upon it. Close to fainting with shock at what Tafari had disclosed. The stories about Tafari's childhood encounters with priests, his occult, wise mind and uncanny powers, spread like wildfire throughout Ethiopia.
Lidj Tafari is said to have made it quite clear that he was well acquainted with the rare manuscripts of Abba Aragaive and other Coptic Monks, known as the Nine Saints, who entered Ethiopia in 480 AD and founded the first monasteries in Tigre province. He also revealed that he was acquainted with the occult applications of Urim and Thummim and the Mezuzah, as well as the use of the magic words Gematria and Notarilon in Egypt, necromancy and also the magical names Adonay, El, Elohe. He exhibited familiarity with the Cabalistic doctrines and the writings in Gilgamesh. The pagan rituals surrounding the worship of Isis, of the serpent Arwe and of the Abyssinian gods of Earth, (Meder), Sea (Beher) and War (Mahrem), as well as the Arcane of astrology and numerology, but most importantly, Tafari exhibited to the priest his understanding of the central messages in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Book of Two Ways. At one stage, an old Abmnet (or Abbot) allegedly asked to examine Tafari's palm. He saw that there was stigmata there and that the lifeline backed up on itself in an emblem of infinity. Tafari whispered a word in the Abbot's ear and all color drained from the old man's face. He left the room apparently in shock, refusing to return or to speak to his colleagues. Tafari addressed a monk who had served in the Cathedral at Axum here the Ark of the Covenant is kept. Tafari described to him, in Cushite, the Kedusta Kedussan, The Holy of Holies or Inner Sanctum where the Tabot, the Ark is kept and recited various inscriptions written upon it. Close to fainting with shock at what Tafari had disclosed. The stories about Tafari's childhood encounters with priests, his occult, wise mind and uncanny powers, spread like wildfire throughout Ethiopia.
the day of Biblical Prophecy came on Nov 2, 1930, Ras Tafari was
formally crowned His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings,
Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Emperor of
Ethiopia, 225th descendent of King David in the Solomonic Dynasty. Representatives
from 72 nations came and bowed in reverence to His Majesty. The
ceremony was conducted by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and He was first
vested with a gold sword along with the exhortation: May you be enabled
with this sword to punish the wicked and protect the righteous.
was followed with the bestowal of the Imperial scepter of ivory and
gold, and the golden orb (globe), a diamond incrusted ring, two
traditional lances (spears), the imperial vestments, and finally,
anointing His head with oil, the priest placed upon Him the Triple
Crown. Some of the vestments like the robe and crown were believed to be
King Solomons ancient kingly attire. The Archbishop concluded the
anointing with the words: That God may make this crown a crown of
sanctity and glory. That, by the grace and the blessings which we have
given, you may have an unshaken faith and a pure heart, in order that
you may inherit the crown eternal. So be it. Haile Selassie also had his
wife Empress Menen coronated with him, a first in Ethiopian Royal
History. The final part of the ceremony was a tour of the cathedral by
their Imperial Majesties, escorted by the bishops and priests, the
princes and dignitaries, assistance and others, carrying palm branches
and chanting, Blessed be the King of Israel.
During this era Selassie was an inspiration to the Ethiopians living on the Caribbean slave island colony of Jamaica. One of these was Marcus Mosiah Garvey who is regarded as a prophet by Jamaicas Afro-Ethiopian community. He told the people to look to Africa
where a Black King shall be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He
shall be the Redeemer. And so it was, that soon after this prediction
Haile Selassie was crowned and the black people of Jamaica looked in
their Bible, seeing the fulfillment of Revelation prophecy come true:
The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Black King
of Davids Line has been crowned in Majesty and Glory. This is the One!
This is the One that will save us!
The movement of Rastafari was manifested. Oppressed black peoples had
waited in hope for the One that would lead them. Haile Selassie was
their King, and because He was King of the oldest Christian monarch in
the world, and the only remaining African nation that had not been
colonized by white people, He represented a dignity that all black
people could be proud of. He had fought on the front lines with his
people against the invaders of Italy led by Mussolini, protected the
ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Church, built schools, highways, airports and
in many ways led Ethiopia into the modern world. Ethiopia
is without a doubt what it is today due to the contributions of Haile
Selassie. For Rasta people, with Selassie I as King, they no longer had
to accept the white Jesus, as portrayed in their slavery/bible school,
but saw God with their own eyes, as Marcus Garvey taught. They saw
themselves again as black kings and queens of a Royal and Holy Family
with their Black King and Queen, God and Goddess, Haile Selassie I and
Empress Menen as their Divine image and object of Love and Reverence.
They Know! They know when He has the look! Yes! They can tell!
Jesus and the Christos
Jesus and the Christos: A Gnostic Perspective
By: Tau Malachi
Orthodox forms of Christianity would have us believe that the Christos is isolate to the person of Yeshua (Aramaic for "Jesus") and that he alone is Christ or the Messiah. However, Gnostic Christianity holds a very different view of Yeshua and the Christos. Yeshua is viewed as a Christ-bearer and the Christos is viewed as a Light-Presence; thus, to Christian Gnostics, Yeshua is a mystic and a magician: a Light-bearer. Rather than something isolate or exclusive to Yeshua, the Christos is considered to be embodied by others around the Master, Yeshua acting as a Center of a Light-Transmission or Christ Revelation.
Essentially, according to masters of Gnostic Christian Tradition, the Light-Presence of the Messiah is not embodied by a single individual alone but by a matrix of individuals and, ultimately, is to be embodied by humanity as a whole--giving birth to a New and Divine Humanity.
From the Gnostic perspective, Yeshua is akin to the Image of our Future Self, our True and Divine Self, and belief in the Incarnation of the Christos is not merely a belief in the divinity of Yeshua, but a belief in the Divine Potential within each and every human being. Thus, to believe that Yeshua is the Incarnation of Christ is to believe that the Christos is the True Nature of one's Soul and Self, and that one is destined to evolve toward Christhood. In this sense, Gnostic Christianity is similar to Eastern Wisdom Traditions which teach a Path to Enlightenment, and in the Gnostic view the True Gospel is a Way to the Attainment of Christ Consciousness. The idea of "salvation" in Christian Gnosticism is a state of Self-realization.
The name of Yeshua in Hebrew connotes this idea of Self-realization.
It is the Name of Yahweh, which appears throughout the Old Testament, with the addition of one letter (the Hebrew letter Shin.) The Divine Name of Yahweh literally means, "That Which Was, Is, and forever Shall Be", and the name Yeshua means, "Yahweh delivers." Yahweh represents the one Being-Consciousness-Force or Life-Power which is the Source of all, and Yeshua represents a conscious unification with the Source; hence a state of Truth-Consciousness (Christ Consciousness).
In essence, the Blessed Name of Yeshua means "knowledge of truth that will set you free."
This truth is the awareness of one's Soul and Self inseparable from Yahweh.
Glimpses of this truth are certainly to be found in the gospels that appear in the Holy Bible, but it becomes more obvious in gospels that were not included in the Bible, such as the Gospel of St. Thomas, which was among the scrolls found at Nag Hammadi by an Arab peasant in 1945. This gospel is quite different than those that appear in the Bible. Instead of an interpretive story, the Gospel of St. Thomas is composed of wisdom sayings, the interpretation of which is left completely to the reader. It is a book meant to support an oral tradition and to encourage a spiritual quest for the direct experience of the Spirit of Truth. The first saying or verse of the gospel makes this perfectly clear. Basically, it is a proclamation of the gospel as a record of "secret sayings" that were spoken in the presence of Didymos Judas Thomas by Yeshua and tells us that if we gain understanding of the sayings, we will be spiritually empowered and free from death, which is to say Self-realized. No one can really say whether St. Thomas actually wrote this gospel, but the dedication of the gospel to his name is significant, for Didymos literally means "a twin." If Yeshua is speaking to a disciple called Didymos Judas Thomas, then it alludes to the disciple as being like unto Yeshua or resembling him--hence the idea of the disciple as a Christ-bearer in the same way Lord Yeshua is a Christ-bearer. Thus, the disciple to whom these sayings are spoken is one who knows the Indwelling Christ within himself, and it is implicit that one who reads and contemplates the Gospel of St. Thomas is to recognize Christ indwelling her or himself and to identify her or himself with that Light-Presence. Yeshua may well have spoken these sayings, but the sayings may also have been spoken by the Indwelling Christ within the one who wrote them. From the Christian Gnostic perspective, either way they are authentic teachings of the Christos. Whether uttered by Christ indwelling Yeshua or Christ indwelling the disciple, the same Light-Presence has revealed Itself.
In this light, the sayings in the Gospel of St. Thomas may be contemplated and meditated upon as sayings emerging from the Indwelling Christ within ourselves, as though a still, small voice is speaking them inwardly as we read and contemplate and meditate upon them. Study and contemplation of any Scripture in this way can lead to deep intuitive insights and can easily become an experience of contact with the Light-Presence within us. This is the purpose of the Gospel of St. Thomas, and from the Gnostic perspective, it is the purpose of any Wisdom Teaching or Scripture--a way to enter into the knowledge and communion of the Divine Presence and Power within ourselves and our lives. It is interesting to note the many different gospels we have: the Gospel according to St. John, the Gospel according to St. Thomas, the Gospel according to St. Mark, and so on. If one studies them, they clearly do not tell the same story nor represent a static or fixed view of Yeshua or the Christos. In fact, each gospel actually represents the knowledge and understanding of Christ in the experience of the person who wrote it. In this we gain a sense of Original Christianity--rather than a fixed doctrine and dogma, it was a living experience of the Christos (a living spiritual experience rather than a religion). It suggests that every "Christian" had his or her own unique gospel, his or her own knowledge and understanding of the Truth and Light as it was revealed in his or her own experience of Christ. In this sense we may say that Original Christianity was Gnostic, for gnosis is a Greek word meaning "knowledge," specifically knowledge and understanding acquired through direct spiritual or mystical experience, and a Gnostic is anyone who has acquired such spiritual knowledge to one degree or another. Essentially, according to the Christian Gnostic view, the True Gospel is one's own experience of the Truth and Light, which is "the knowledge of truth that will set you free." When the Christos is understood in this way, the fact that some people may use the name Buddha or Krishna or another name for the Light-Presence does not present a problem, for by "Christ" we mean the Spirit of Truth or Light-Presence in whatever form it might appear. Every human being is unique and individual, therefore every individual's experience of the Truth and Light will be unique to her or himself, as will the Holy Gospel she or he brings forth from within her or himself. It could well be in modern times, for example, that some people's experience of extraterrestrials is an experience of the Christos! After all, in a technological age, it would be quite logical that spiritual experiences might assume a technological form in consciousness. In terms of Self-empowerment and Self-realization, the only question in the Gnostic view is whether or not the individual having a psychic or spiritual experience is able to recognize the Light-Presence (Indwelling Christ) within him or herself, because it is this inward recognition that opens the way to various degrees of Enlightenment and Liberation ("Salvation").
This is the key to understanding the Gnostic Christ: the recognition and realization of the Light-Presence or Indwelling Christ within oneself and the bringing forth of that Light and Truth from within oneself. The message of Gnostic Christianity is that we are powerful spiritual beings, whether or not we are conscious of it--the only question is how we receive our empowerment and actualize the Light-Presence in us. To this end, Gnostic Christianity is replete with methods of mystical prayer, meditation, and sacred ritual, all of which have the aim of Self-empowerment and Self-realization. Above I indicated a way to read and study the Gospel of St. Thomas, or any other Scripture one might choose, to put one in touch with Divine Presence and Power in oneself. Now I'd like to share a meditation practice common to Gnostic Initiates that may also help you towards recognizing and merging yourself with the Indwelling Christ.
It is called the Essential Meditation of the Risen Yeshua or Lord of the Rainbow:
Sit in a quite place where you will not be disturbed, and let your body find its own natural rhythm of breath. As you breathe, relax, yet remain alert. Consciously let go of any tension, stress, or negativity in the body, heart, and mind, allowing yourself to be present in the moment, clear and conscious. Let your body relax, your emotions become still, and your mind become quiet, enjoying the innate peace and joy of the moment. When you are settled gently, shift your focus to a point within and behind your heart and visualize a Spiritual Sun shinning there--aware that in this Light-Presence and in your breath you are intimately connected to all that lives. Abide in this awareness of Sacred Unity for a while, conscious of yourself as Spirit-Connected. When you feel ready, envision a ray of light shoot out of the Spiritual Sun and magically appearing as the Image of the Risen Yeshua before you. His feet are not on the ground, but the image hovers in the space in front of you. He is wearing an inner robe of white brilliance and an outer robe of violet-purple. His body shines like the Sun and he is enshrouded with a rainbow aura. Holding this Divine Image in mind, you may have a conversation with the Light-Presence or you may abide in silent meditation in the Divine Presence and Power, whatever you are inclined to do. Whether taking up a conversation or abiding in silence, feel the warmth and love of the Christ-Presence within and all around you and sense the depth of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the Living Presence. Imagine the Holy One smiling upon you and blessing you and see light pouring from his body into your body, your whole body becoming pervaded and enshrouded with light. Whatever you seek--peace, healing, knowledge, or any other gift, imagine that it is transmitted to you in this way. When you feel the transmission is complete, chant the name Yeshua. As you chant the name, visualize the Divine Image dissolving into fluid light and pouring back into the Image of the Spiritual Sun in your heart--your whole body filled with the Light-Presence. Let yourself merge completely with the Christ-Presence and, as you fall silent, ending the chant, let your mind become the Mind of Christ, your heart become the Sacred Heart of Christ, and your body become the Body of Christ--be united with Christ. Abide as long as you can in unification with the Light-Presence, and then consciously ground the energy, letting go of the meditation and just being present for a few moments.
Then you can go about whatever activity you have in mind aware of yourself as a Light-bearer.
This practice is a good way to enter into gnosis and communion with the Indwelling Christ and to progressively develop a self-identification with the Christ-Self (the Inner and Higher Self). All manner of spiritual experiences may unfold from a meditation of this kind, and it is not uncommon for individuals using this method to acquire psychic or spiritual gifts. Essentially, with regular practice of this meditation, one is consciously activating the Light-Presence within oneself and invoking the Divine Presence and Power into one's life and one's dreams. Joined to the study and contemplation of the Gospel of St. Thomas or other Wisdom Teachings, it will naturally tend to bring about deeper knowledge and understanding and hopefully serve to bring forth the Gospel of Truth that is within yourself.
You can learn more about the Gnostic Christian perspective and Gnostic interpretations of the Gospel of St. Thomas in my book The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas: Meditations on the Mystical Teachings.
PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!
By: Tau Malachi
Orthodox forms of Christianity would have us believe that the Christos is isolate to the person of Yeshua (Aramaic for "Jesus") and that he alone is Christ or the Messiah. However, Gnostic Christianity holds a very different view of Yeshua and the Christos. Yeshua is viewed as a Christ-bearer and the Christos is viewed as a Light-Presence; thus, to Christian Gnostics, Yeshua is a mystic and a magician: a Light-bearer. Rather than something isolate or exclusive to Yeshua, the Christos is considered to be embodied by others around the Master, Yeshua acting as a Center of a Light-Transmission or Christ Revelation.
Essentially, according to masters of Gnostic Christian Tradition, the Light-Presence of the Messiah is not embodied by a single individual alone but by a matrix of individuals and, ultimately, is to be embodied by humanity as a whole--giving birth to a New and Divine Humanity.
From the Gnostic perspective, Yeshua is akin to the Image of our Future Self, our True and Divine Self, and belief in the Incarnation of the Christos is not merely a belief in the divinity of Yeshua, but a belief in the Divine Potential within each and every human being. Thus, to believe that Yeshua is the Incarnation of Christ is to believe that the Christos is the True Nature of one's Soul and Self, and that one is destined to evolve toward Christhood. In this sense, Gnostic Christianity is similar to Eastern Wisdom Traditions which teach a Path to Enlightenment, and in the Gnostic view the True Gospel is a Way to the Attainment of Christ Consciousness. The idea of "salvation" in Christian Gnosticism is a state of Self-realization.
The name of Yeshua in Hebrew connotes this idea of Self-realization.
It is the Name of Yahweh, which appears throughout the Old Testament, with the addition of one letter (the Hebrew letter Shin.) The Divine Name of Yahweh literally means, "That Which Was, Is, and forever Shall Be", and the name Yeshua means, "Yahweh delivers." Yahweh represents the one Being-Consciousness-Force or Life-Power which is the Source of all, and Yeshua represents a conscious unification with the Source; hence a state of Truth-Consciousness (Christ Consciousness).
In essence, the Blessed Name of Yeshua means "knowledge of truth that will set you free."
This truth is the awareness of one's Soul and Self inseparable from Yahweh.
Glimpses of this truth are certainly to be found in the gospels that appear in the Holy Bible, but it becomes more obvious in gospels that were not included in the Bible, such as the Gospel of St. Thomas, which was among the scrolls found at Nag Hammadi by an Arab peasant in 1945. This gospel is quite different than those that appear in the Bible. Instead of an interpretive story, the Gospel of St. Thomas is composed of wisdom sayings, the interpretation of which is left completely to the reader. It is a book meant to support an oral tradition and to encourage a spiritual quest for the direct experience of the Spirit of Truth. The first saying or verse of the gospel makes this perfectly clear. Basically, it is a proclamation of the gospel as a record of "secret sayings" that were spoken in the presence of Didymos Judas Thomas by Yeshua and tells us that if we gain understanding of the sayings, we will be spiritually empowered and free from death, which is to say Self-realized. No one can really say whether St. Thomas actually wrote this gospel, but the dedication of the gospel to his name is significant, for Didymos literally means "a twin." If Yeshua is speaking to a disciple called Didymos Judas Thomas, then it alludes to the disciple as being like unto Yeshua or resembling him--hence the idea of the disciple as a Christ-bearer in the same way Lord Yeshua is a Christ-bearer. Thus, the disciple to whom these sayings are spoken is one who knows the Indwelling Christ within himself, and it is implicit that one who reads and contemplates the Gospel of St. Thomas is to recognize Christ indwelling her or himself and to identify her or himself with that Light-Presence. Yeshua may well have spoken these sayings, but the sayings may also have been spoken by the Indwelling Christ within the one who wrote them. From the Christian Gnostic perspective, either way they are authentic teachings of the Christos. Whether uttered by Christ indwelling Yeshua or Christ indwelling the disciple, the same Light-Presence has revealed Itself.
In this light, the sayings in the Gospel of St. Thomas may be contemplated and meditated upon as sayings emerging from the Indwelling Christ within ourselves, as though a still, small voice is speaking them inwardly as we read and contemplate and meditate upon them. Study and contemplation of any Scripture in this way can lead to deep intuitive insights and can easily become an experience of contact with the Light-Presence within us. This is the purpose of the Gospel of St. Thomas, and from the Gnostic perspective, it is the purpose of any Wisdom Teaching or Scripture--a way to enter into the knowledge and communion of the Divine Presence and Power within ourselves and our lives. It is interesting to note the many different gospels we have: the Gospel according to St. John, the Gospel according to St. Thomas, the Gospel according to St. Mark, and so on. If one studies them, they clearly do not tell the same story nor represent a static or fixed view of Yeshua or the Christos. In fact, each gospel actually represents the knowledge and understanding of Christ in the experience of the person who wrote it. In this we gain a sense of Original Christianity--rather than a fixed doctrine and dogma, it was a living experience of the Christos (a living spiritual experience rather than a religion). It suggests that every "Christian" had his or her own unique gospel, his or her own knowledge and understanding of the Truth and Light as it was revealed in his or her own experience of Christ. In this sense we may say that Original Christianity was Gnostic, for gnosis is a Greek word meaning "knowledge," specifically knowledge and understanding acquired through direct spiritual or mystical experience, and a Gnostic is anyone who has acquired such spiritual knowledge to one degree or another. Essentially, according to the Christian Gnostic view, the True Gospel is one's own experience of the Truth and Light, which is "the knowledge of truth that will set you free." When the Christos is understood in this way, the fact that some people may use the name Buddha or Krishna or another name for the Light-Presence does not present a problem, for by "Christ" we mean the Spirit of Truth or Light-Presence in whatever form it might appear. Every human being is unique and individual, therefore every individual's experience of the Truth and Light will be unique to her or himself, as will the Holy Gospel she or he brings forth from within her or himself. It could well be in modern times, for example, that some people's experience of extraterrestrials is an experience of the Christos! After all, in a technological age, it would be quite logical that spiritual experiences might assume a technological form in consciousness. In terms of Self-empowerment and Self-realization, the only question in the Gnostic view is whether or not the individual having a psychic or spiritual experience is able to recognize the Light-Presence (Indwelling Christ) within him or herself, because it is this inward recognition that opens the way to various degrees of Enlightenment and Liberation ("Salvation").
This is the key to understanding the Gnostic Christ: the recognition and realization of the Light-Presence or Indwelling Christ within oneself and the bringing forth of that Light and Truth from within oneself. The message of Gnostic Christianity is that we are powerful spiritual beings, whether or not we are conscious of it--the only question is how we receive our empowerment and actualize the Light-Presence in us. To this end, Gnostic Christianity is replete with methods of mystical prayer, meditation, and sacred ritual, all of which have the aim of Self-empowerment and Self-realization. Above I indicated a way to read and study the Gospel of St. Thomas, or any other Scripture one might choose, to put one in touch with Divine Presence and Power in oneself. Now I'd like to share a meditation practice common to Gnostic Initiates that may also help you towards recognizing and merging yourself with the Indwelling Christ.
It is called the Essential Meditation of the Risen Yeshua or Lord of the Rainbow:
Sit in a quite place where you will not be disturbed, and let your body find its own natural rhythm of breath. As you breathe, relax, yet remain alert. Consciously let go of any tension, stress, or negativity in the body, heart, and mind, allowing yourself to be present in the moment, clear and conscious. Let your body relax, your emotions become still, and your mind become quiet, enjoying the innate peace and joy of the moment. When you are settled gently, shift your focus to a point within and behind your heart and visualize a Spiritual Sun shinning there--aware that in this Light-Presence and in your breath you are intimately connected to all that lives. Abide in this awareness of Sacred Unity for a while, conscious of yourself as Spirit-Connected. When you feel ready, envision a ray of light shoot out of the Spiritual Sun and magically appearing as the Image of the Risen Yeshua before you. His feet are not on the ground, but the image hovers in the space in front of you. He is wearing an inner robe of white brilliance and an outer robe of violet-purple. His body shines like the Sun and he is enshrouded with a rainbow aura. Holding this Divine Image in mind, you may have a conversation with the Light-Presence or you may abide in silent meditation in the Divine Presence and Power, whatever you are inclined to do. Whether taking up a conversation or abiding in silence, feel the warmth and love of the Christ-Presence within and all around you and sense the depth of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the Living Presence. Imagine the Holy One smiling upon you and blessing you and see light pouring from his body into your body, your whole body becoming pervaded and enshrouded with light. Whatever you seek--peace, healing, knowledge, or any other gift, imagine that it is transmitted to you in this way. When you feel the transmission is complete, chant the name Yeshua. As you chant the name, visualize the Divine Image dissolving into fluid light and pouring back into the Image of the Spiritual Sun in your heart--your whole body filled with the Light-Presence. Let yourself merge completely with the Christ-Presence and, as you fall silent, ending the chant, let your mind become the Mind of Christ, your heart become the Sacred Heart of Christ, and your body become the Body of Christ--be united with Christ. Abide as long as you can in unification with the Light-Presence, and then consciously ground the energy, letting go of the meditation and just being present for a few moments.
Then you can go about whatever activity you have in mind aware of yourself as a Light-bearer.
This practice is a good way to enter into gnosis and communion with the Indwelling Christ and to progressively develop a self-identification with the Christ-Self (the Inner and Higher Self). All manner of spiritual experiences may unfold from a meditation of this kind, and it is not uncommon for individuals using this method to acquire psychic or spiritual gifts. Essentially, with regular practice of this meditation, one is consciously activating the Light-Presence within oneself and invoking the Divine Presence and Power into one's life and one's dreams. Joined to the study and contemplation of the Gospel of St. Thomas or other Wisdom Teachings, it will naturally tend to bring about deeper knowledge and understanding and hopefully serve to bring forth the Gospel of Truth that is within yourself.
You can learn more about the Gnostic Christian perspective and Gnostic interpretations of the Gospel of St. Thomas in my book The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas: Meditations on the Mystical Teachings.
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Monday, April 16, 2012

King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Elect of God
Light of the World
Emperor of Ethiopia
His Imperial Majesty
Haile Selassie I
Jah Ras Tafari
a Reggae Musician Bunny Wailer states “ Rastafari means head creator in Amharic.” (Reggae Times
Calender, 1986, pg. 36). This Ethiopian Amharic definition is close to the aboriginal meaning from
the older language of hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt/Kemit which is esoteric denoting “one who
communes with the God of the Rastau or Astral Spiritual Plane.”
See Chapter Six Scripture B. Introduction to Chapter 18 - Introduction line 1 of ‘Annui’s Speech for its use as such herein.
b Esoterically Rastafari” is a synonym for ‘lsraelite” – see Chapter Seven POEM #7E Footnote C.
c Nazarites are mentioned in Bible Numbers 6:1-8 (Law of Nazareth) and Judges 13:15 on Samson. The “Law of Nazareth” is somewhat corrupted. This is to be expected being a later Israelie derivative of the Rastafari High Priests and Priests and Priestesses of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu) as founded by Moses esoterically Pharaoh Akhenaten circa 1350 BC. The Bible Pentateuch (first five books including Numbers) was written by Moses in Hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt/Kemit Moses’ native tongue. The Nazarite Law would have been translated from Hieroglyphics to Hebrew by the Israelie High Priest Ezra circa 900 BC.
* Poem set to Music: Light and Sound Band, “Esoteric Rastafari” Cassette, 1996.

Monday, April 9, 2012
4th Waning Moon Coconut Smashing to Release Karma
4th Waning Moon (May 9th)
The Moon is associated with a person’s mental make-up, emotions, habits, memories and moods. The waning phase of the Moon is the time to introspect inwards.
The fourth waning Moon is the ideal time to smash through your obstacles. Sankatahara Chathurthi in Sanskrit means ‘Obstacle removing fourth waning Moon.’ These special days are dedicated to the elephant-faced archetype Ganesha.
The elephant-faced archetype Ganesha protects you from any evils and obstacles. You need to access the energy of this archetype before venturing out to achieve higher levels and to start anything new. He is known as the Primordial Obstacle Remover.
His grace and energy helps to remove any obstacles that you may come across and help you make new beginnings to achieve higher things in your life and your career.
Coconut Smashing
Coconut symbolizes the three elements of the human character. The hard outer shell signifies the outer physical composition, the inner white fleshy part signifies the psychological entity and the transparent fluid signifies the inner energy.
Dr. Pillai refers to the coconut as an aspect of the divine. Coconuts have three distinct eyes, which signify the three eyes of archetype Shiva, representing the three holy trinity of evolution: Creation, Preservation and Destruction, or the trinity of ego, maya and karma.
The smashing of coconuts emphasizes that only when you break your hard exteriors or ego can you realize the inner energy within. When it is done on the fourth waning Moon, Sankatahara Chathurthi, to the archetype Ganesha, it eliminates all obstacles and puts you on a path to achievement.
Use Divine Technology to Diffuse Karma
ACTION: Roll a coconut around your head and your shoulder area to transfer your negative energy into the coconut. Break the coconut. When the coconut is broken, so is your karma released. Wash your hands and dispose off the coconut.
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Monday, April 2, 2012
11th Moon Phase – Create a Life of Ecstasy, Abundance and Prosperity

“The 11th moon is for enjoyment, it is a day for pleasures and comforts, that is why, it is dedicated to Vishnu; it is a day of wealth and prosperity.”- Dr. Pillai
Manifest a life with material abundance and spiritual ecstasy by invoking the grace of archetypes Vishnu, Krishna and Radha who represent prosperity, material comforts, abundance and unconditional love.
Invoke the grace of Vishnu, Krishna and Radha on the 11th Moon and create a life of unconditional love, ecstasy and unlimited abundance with powerful rituals.
In Hinduism, the balance between the forces of creation, preservation and destruction is maintained by the holy trinity- or known as trimurti. These cosmic functions are personified by the forms of Bramha- the creator, Vishnu- Maintainer or Preserver and Shiva- The destroyer or transformer.
Vishnu is the all-pervading essence of all beings, the master of past, present and future. He is the one supports, sustains and governs the universe and originates and develops all elements within. Vishnu governs the aspect of preservation and sustenance of the universe.
In the Puranas, Vishnu is described as having the colour of dark-blue (water filled clouds), four-armed, holding, shanka(Conch) and Chakra (discus), mace. Vishnu is also associated with the lotus flower, which appears behind his head. His fourth hand is raised in a gesture of reassurance.
Along with Lakshmi, Vishnu brings a life of prosperity, limitless abundance and spiritual growth. On the 11th Moon, the energies of Vishnu that can create prosperity and wealth are at its peak.
Radha-Krishna – The Archetypes of Unconditional Love and Ecstasy
Radha-Krishna are the archetypes of the Golden Age, they represent a 200% life. Krishna, an aspect of Vishnu represents the supreme spiritual consciousness, while Radha, an aspect of the Supreme Primordial Goddess represents creative consciousness. Together, Radha and Krishna bring the 200% life of spiritual growth and material comforts.
“Radha and Krishna will give you great love and happiness followed by perfection on the level of the body and relationship.”- Dr. Pillai
The romance between Radha and Krishna symbolizes the meaning of life- the meaning of music from the flute pipe, the meaning of dance, the meaning of beauty, the meaning of immortality hidden behind mortal existence.
During the 11th Moon invoke the powers of the archetypes Radha and Krishna, and manifest a life of unlimited abundance and complete spiritual development.
Get Material Fulfillment: Group Fire Lab for Vishnu
Bring in the energies of Vishnu in your life by taking part in a special fire lab conducted the 11th waxing moon.
This fire lab accesses the blessings of Vishnu for material fulfillment and abundance. The specialty of the fire lab is the chant of the powerful hymn called ‘Vishnu Sahasranamam’ or the 1000 names of Vishnu.
This ritual will be conducted by Vedic Specialists, at Pillai Center India.
Manifest Abundance and Ecstasy Consciousness: Radha-Krishna Group Fire Lab
Create abundance, wealth and all-round prosperity in your life by seeking the grace of the Divine Couple Radha and Krishna.
The 11th waxing moon is a powerful time to invoke their blessings to attract material comforts in life. On this day, a special fire lab will be conducted in Pillai Center India, where Vedic Specialists will chant the sounds of Radha and Krishna to access their energies and open up new pathways to magically obtaining abundance and wealth.
Attract Bliss and Prosperity: Sound Writing for Radha and Krishna
Manifest prosperity, fortune, abundance and bliss effortlessly in your life through the technique of writing the sound ‘Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol.’
This sound invokes the united energy of Radha and Krishna, the Divine Couple, for unlimited wealth, rejuvenated health, beauty, and ecstasy.
A dedicated proxy will write this sound 10,008 times for you. This can ground the energy of the sound and bring the energetic benefits in your life.
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Sacred Vedic Moon Rituals for April 2012
Moon Phases and Important Dates in April
Dr. Pillai explains, "For most people, life is anxiety driven. They worry: What is going to happen with my relationship or my job? All these anxieties will go away when you learn the higher wisdom that pertains to the phases of the moon. My goal is to give you information from Celestial Science that will transform you."
Dr Pillai 11th Waxing Moon, April 2, IST: Manifest Unlimited Abundance & Spiritual Development
ACTION: Invoke the Divine archetypes of Radha & Krishna, who represent a 200% life of material and spiritual bliss. Chant the sounds: 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol' throughout the day.
Dr. Pillai says, "This will change everything and give you incredible bliss."
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Dr Pillai Full Moon, April 6, IST: Open your Consciousness to Creativity & Abundance
ACTION: Chant the sounds 'SHREEM BRZEE' to invoke the assistance of the archetypal being Lakshmi, to empower your positive goals.
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Dr Pillai 4th Waning Moon, April 10, IST: Use Divine Technology to Diffuse Karma
ACTION: Roll a coconut around your head and your shoulder area to transfer your negative energy into the coconut. Break the coconut. When the coconut is broken, so is your karma released. Wash your hands and dispose off the coconut.
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Dr Pillai
13th Waning Moon, April 19, IST: Remove Doubt, Fear, and Negative Thoughts
ACTION: 1.5 Hour before sunset, pour milk over a small Siva Lingam and chant the sounds of karma removal: THIRU NEELA KANTAM MAKARAL SIVAYA NAMA
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Dr Pillai
Earth Day, April 22: A Day to celebrate the energy of Mother Earth
ACTION: Chant the sounds NAMASIVAYA to connect with the 5 Elements. NA is EARTH; MA is WATER; SI is FIRE; VA is AIR; YA is ETHER
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Dr Pillai
13th Waxing Moon (Pradosham) April 4, IST: Release Karma & Old Energy Patterns
ACTION: Take a minimum of 3 lemons or limes and roll them around your head and shoulder area. Visualize the negative energy being absorbed by the lime. Then cut each lime and release your karma. Throw away the lime and wash your hands.
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Dr Pillai
World Health Day, April 7, IST: Take care of your Mind, Body, Spirit
ACTION: Invoke the Archetypal Being associated with healing energies, Dhanvantri, using the sounds: OM NAMO BHAGAVATE DANVANTARE NAMAHA
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Dr Pillai
8th Waning Moon, April 13, IST: Accelerate your Manifestations
ACTION: It is your responsibility to organize your time. Monitor your time with a beeping watch. Let it beep every hour. Remember, "Time is money".
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Dr Pillai
New Moon, April 20, IST: Connect with Ancestors to Solve Problems
ACTION: Perform tarpanam (during daylight hours) as an offering to release your ancestors into the divine light and receive their blessings.
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Dr Pillai
Akshaya Tritiya, April 24 IST: Day of Great Fortune and Victory!
ACTION: This is a powerful day to perform tarpanam and connect with your ancestors for blessings of protection and material success.
*Additional Offerings TBA
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Dr Pillai
6th Waxing Moon, April 29, IST: Remove Debt, Heal Diseases, and Settle Arguments
ACTION: Invoke the divine warrior-healer archetype, Muruga, with sounds to raise the vibration of your body and your consciousness: OM SARAVANA BAVAYA NAMAHA. PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!
Dr. Pillai explains, "For most people, life is anxiety driven. They worry: What is going to happen with my relationship or my job? All these anxieties will go away when you learn the higher wisdom that pertains to the phases of the moon. My goal is to give you information from Celestial Science that will transform you."
Dr Pillai 11th Waxing Moon, April 2, IST: Manifest Unlimited Abundance & Spiritual Development
ACTION: Invoke the Divine archetypes of Radha & Krishna, who represent a 200% life of material and spiritual bliss. Chant the sounds: 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol' throughout the day.
Dr. Pillai says, "This will change everything and give you incredible bliss."
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Dr Pillai Full Moon, April 6, IST: Open your Consciousness to Creativity & Abundance
ACTION: Chant the sounds 'SHREEM BRZEE' to invoke the assistance of the archetypal being Lakshmi, to empower your positive goals.
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Dr Pillai 4th Waning Moon, April 10, IST: Use Divine Technology to Diffuse Karma
ACTION: Roll a coconut around your head and your shoulder area to transfer your negative energy into the coconut. Break the coconut. When the coconut is broken, so is your karma released. Wash your hands and dispose off the coconut.
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Dr Pillai
13th Waning Moon, April 19, IST: Remove Doubt, Fear, and Negative Thoughts
ACTION: 1.5 Hour before sunset, pour milk over a small Siva Lingam and chant the sounds of karma removal: THIRU NEELA KANTAM MAKARAL SIVAYA NAMA
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Dr Pillai
Earth Day, April 22: A Day to celebrate the energy of Mother Earth
ACTION: Chant the sounds NAMASIVAYA to connect with the 5 Elements. NA is EARTH; MA is WATER; SI is FIRE; VA is AIR; YA is ETHER
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Pillai
13th Waxing Moon (Pradosham) April 4, IST: Release Karma & Old Energy Patterns
ACTION: Take a minimum of 3 lemons or limes and roll them around your head and shoulder area. Visualize the negative energy being absorbed by the lime. Then cut each lime and release your karma. Throw away the lime and wash your hands.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Pillai
World Health Day, April 7, IST: Take care of your Mind, Body, Spirit
ACTION: Invoke the Archetypal Being associated with healing energies, Dhanvantri, using the sounds: OM NAMO BHAGAVATE DANVANTARE NAMAHA
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Pillai
8th Waning Moon, April 13, IST: Accelerate your Manifestations
ACTION: It is your responsibility to organize your time. Monitor your time with a beeping watch. Let it beep every hour. Remember, "Time is money".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Pillai
New Moon, April 20, IST: Connect with Ancestors to Solve Problems
ACTION: Perform tarpanam (during daylight hours) as an offering to release your ancestors into the divine light and receive their blessings.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Pillai
Akshaya Tritiya, April 24 IST: Day of Great Fortune and Victory!
ACTION: This is a powerful day to perform tarpanam and connect with your ancestors for blessings of protection and material success.
*Additional Offerings TBA
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Dr Pillai
6th Waxing Moon, April 29, IST: Remove Debt, Heal Diseases, and Settle Arguments
ACTION: Invoke the divine warrior-healer archetype, Muruga, with sounds to raise the vibration of your body and your consciousness: OM SARAVANA BAVAYA NAMAHA. PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna in the Highest!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical Gospels. (Mark 11:1–11, Matthew 21:1–11, Luke 19:28–44, and John 12:12–19).
In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of palm leaves (often tied into crosses) to the assembled worshipers. The difficulty of procuring palms for that day's ceremonies in unfavorable climates for palms led to the substitution of boughs of box, yew, willow or other native trees. The Sunday was often designated by the names of these trees, as Yew Sunday or by the general term Branch Sunday.
Biblical basis and symbolism
In the accounts of the four canonical Gospels, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem takes place about a week before his Resurrection.
According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and the celebrating people there lay down their cloaks in front of him, and also lay down small branches of trees. The people sang part of Psalms 118: 25–26 – ... Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord ....
The symbolism of the donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is an animal of peace, versus the horse, which is the animal of war. Therefore, a king came riding upon a horse when he was bent on war and rode upon a donkey when he wanted to point out he was coming in peace. Therefore, Jesus' entry to Jerusalem symbolized his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as a war-waging king.
In many lands in the ancient Near East, it was customary to cover in some way the path of someone thought worthy of the highest honour. The Hebrew Bible (2Kings 9:13) reports that Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, was treated this way. Both the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John report that people gave Jesus this form of honour. However, in the synoptics they are only reported as laying their garments and cut rushes on the street, whereas John more specifically mentions palm fronds. The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in Jewish tradition, and is treated in other parts of the Bible as such (e.g., Leviticus 23:40 and Revelation 7:9). Because of this, the scene of the crowd greeting Jesus by waving palms and carpeting his path with them and their cloaks has become symbolic and important.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, Palm Sunday was marked by the burning of Jack-'o'-Lent figures. This was a straw effigy which would be stoned and abused. Its burning on Palm Sunday was often supposed to be a kind of revenge on Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Christ. It could also have represented the hated figure of Winter whose destruction prepares the way for Spring.
Western Christianity
On Palm Sunday, in the Catholic Church, as well as among many Anglican and Lutheran congregations, palm fronds (or in colder climates some kind of substitutes) are blessed with an aspergillum outside the church building (or in cold climates in the narthex when Easter falls early in the year). A procession also takes place. It may include the normal liturgical procession of clergy and acolytes, the parish choir, or the entire congregation.
In the Roman Catholic Church, this feast now coincides with that of Passion Sunday, which is the focus of the Mass which follows the service of the blessing of palms.
The palms are saved in many churches to be burned the following year as the source of ashes used in Ash Wednesday services. The Catholic Church considers the blessed palms to be sacramentals. The vestments for the day are deep scarlet red, the color of blood, indicating the supreme redemptive sacrifice Christ was entering the city to fulfill: his Passion and Resurrection in Jerusalem.
In the Episcopal and many other Anglican churches and in Lutheran churches, as well, the day is nowadays officially called "The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday"; in practice, though, it is usually termed "Palm Sunday" as in the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer and in earlier Lutheran liturgies and calendars, to avoid undue confusion with the penultimate Sunday of Lent in the traditional calendar, which was "Passion Sunday".
In the Church of Pakistan (a member of the Anglican Communion) on Palm Sunday, the faithful carry palm branches into the church, as they sing Psalm 24.
In many Protestant churches, children are given palms, and then walk in procession around the inside of the church while the adults remain seated.

Eastern and Oriental Christianity
In some of the Orthodox Church, Palm Sunday is often called the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem", is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the liturgical year, and is the beginning of Holy Week. The day before is known as Lazarus Saturday, and commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. Unlike the West, Palm Sunday is not considered to be a part of Lent, the Eastern Orthodox Great Fast ends on the Friday before. Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Holy Week are considered to be a separate fasting period. On Lazarus Saturday, believers often prepare palm fronds by knotting them into crosses in preparation for the procession on Sunday. The hangings and vestments in the church are changed to a festive color - gold in the Greek tradition and green in the Slavic tradition.
The Troparion of the Feast indicates the resurrection of Lazarus is a prefiguration of Jesus' own Resurrection:
O Christ our God
When Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead before Thy Passion,
Thou didst confirm the resurrection of the universe.
Wherefore, we like children,
carry the banner of triumph and victory,
and we cry to Thee, O Conqueror of Death,
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is He that cometh
in the Name of the Lord.
In the Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ruthenian Catholic Church, Polish, Bavarian and Austrian Roman Catholics, and various other Eastern European peoples, the custom developed of using pussy willow instead of palm fronds because the latter are not readily available that far north. There is no canonical requirement as to what kind of branches must be used, so some Orthodox believers use olive branches. Whatever the kind, these branches are blessed and distributed together with candles either during the All-Night Vigil on the Eve of the Feast (Saturday night), or before the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy commemorates the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem", so the meaningfulness of this moment is punctuated on Palm Sunday as everyone stands, holding their branches and lit candles. The faithful take these branches and candles home with them after the service, and keep them in their icon corner as an evloghia (blessing).
In Russia, donkey walk processions took place in different cities, but most importantly in Novgorod and, since 1558 until 1693, in Moscow. It was prominently featured in testimonies by foreign witnesses and mentioned in contemporary Western maps of the city. The Patriarch of Moscow, representing Christ, rode on a "donkey" (actually a horse draped in white cloth); the Tsar of Russia humbly led the procession on foot. Originally, Moscow processions began inside the Kremlin and terminated at Trinity Church, now known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, but in 1658 Patriarch Nikon reversed the order of procession. Peter I, as a part of his nationalisation of the church, terminated the custom; it has been occasionally recreated in the 21st century.
In Oriental Orthodox churches, palm fronds are distributed at the front of the church at the sanctuary steps, in India the sanctuary itself having been strewn with marigolds, and the congregation proceeds through and outside the church.
It is customary in many churches for the worshippers to receive fresh palm leaves on Palm Sunday. In parts of the world where this has historically been impractical, substitute traditions have arisen.
In Hoegaarden one of the last remaining Palm Sunday processions take place every year. A fellowship of Twelve Apostles carries a wooden statue of Chist around the town, while children go door to door offering the palms (box) for coins.
In Bulgaria, Palm Sunday is known as Tsvetnitsa or Vrabnitsa. People with flower-related names, (for example Tzviatko, Margarita,Ralitza, Lilia, Violeta, Yavor, Zdravko, Zjumbjul, Nevena, Temenuzhka,Rosa etc.) celebrate this day as their "name day".
In Finland, it is popular for children to dress up as Easter witches and go door to door in neighborhoods for coins and candy. It is an old Karelian custom called Virpominen.
Flowers (in this instance marigolds) strewn about the sanctuary in an Oriental Orthodox church in Mumbai, India on Palm Sunday
In the South Indian state of Kerala, (and in Indian Orthodox,Church of South India(CSI), Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, and Syrian Orthodox Church (Jacobite) congregations elsewhere in India and throughout the West), flowers are strewn about into the sanctuary on Palm Sunday during the reading of the Gospel at the words uttered by the crowd welcoming Jesus, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who is come and is to come in the name of the Lord God." These words are read to the congregation thrice. The congregation then repeats, "Hosanna!" and the flowers are scattered. This echoes pre-Christian Hindu celebrations in which flowers are strewn on festive occasions; however, this also echoes the honour shown to Jesus upon his entry into Jerusalem. Indian Orthodoxy traces its roots to the arrival in India of St. Thomas the Apostle in AD 52 (according to tradition) and his evangelism among both the Brahmans of the Malabar Coast and the ancient Jewish community there. Its rites and ceremonies are both Hindu and Jewish, as well as Levantine Christian, in origin. In Syro-Malabar Catholic Church's palm leaves are blessed during Palm Sunday ceremony and a Procession will take place holding the palms.
In Latvia, Palm Sunday is called "Pussy Willow Sunday", and pussy willows – symbolizing new life – are blessed and distributed to the faithful. Children are often woken that morning with ritualistic swats of a willow branch. People also catch and spank each other with the branches, a ritual often consummating in sexual intercourse.
All the parishes of Malta and Gozo on Palm Sunday (in Maltese Ħadd il-Palm) bless the palm leaves and the olive leaves. Those parishes that have the statues of Good Friday bless the olive tree they put on the statues of "Jesus prays in the Olive Garden" (Ġesù fl-Ort) and the "Betrayal of Judas" (il-Bewsa ta' Ġuda). Also, many people take a small branch of olive to their homes because they say the blessed olive branch keeps away disease and the evil eye (l-għajn ħażina or is-seħta).
The Levant
In Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, Palm Sunday – known as Shaa’nini in Arabic- is perhaps the best-attended service in the Christian Calendar, among the Orthodox, Catholic (Latin rite and Eastern rite), Maronite and Anglican Churches, perhaps because it is notably a family occasion. On this day, children attend church with branches from olive and palm trees. Also, there will be carefully woven crosses and other symbols made from palm fronds and roses. There will normally be a procession at the beginning of the service and at some point, the priest will take an olive branch and splash holy water on the faithful.
In the Saxon regions of the Netherlands, crosses are decorated with candy and bread, made in the form of a rooster. In the diocese of Groningen-Leeuwarden, a great procession with oil lamps is held the night before Palm Sunday in honour of the Sorrowful Mother of Warfhuizen.
In the Philippines, communities re-enact Jesus' triumphal entry with a procession. A statue of Christ on the donkey or the officiating priest mounted on horse process around or towards the local church, surrounded by the palm-bearing churchgoers. In some towns, elderly women spread heirloom "aprons" (made for this sole purpose) or large cloths along the procession route in imitation of the Jerusalemites. Children dressed as angels sometimes sing the Osana ("Hosanna") whilst strewing flowers about.
Once blessed, the palm branches (palaspas), are taken home by the faithful and are hung beside, on or above doorways and windows. Although the true purpose of this custom is to welcome Jesus Christ, many Filipinos hold the branches to be apotropaic, turning away any evil spirits as well as averting lightning strikes and fires.
Many Polish towns and villages (the best known are Lipnica Murowana in Małopolska and Łyse in Podlasie) organize artificial palm competitions. The biggest of those reach above 30 meters in length; for example, the highest palm in 2008 was 33.39 meters high.
In Romania, Palm Sunday is known as Duminica Floriilor.
In Elche, Spain, the location of the biggest palm grove in Europe, there is a tradition of tying and covering palm leaves to whiten them away from sunlight and then drying and braiding them in elaborate shapes.
A Spanish rhyming proverb states: Domingo de Ramos, quien no estrena algo, se le caen las manos ("On Palm Sunday, the hands drop off of those who fail to wear something new").
See also
Crucifixion eclipse
Palm branch (symbol)
PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical Gospels. (Mark 11:1–11, Matthew 21:1–11, Luke 19:28–44, and John 12:12–19).
In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of palm leaves (often tied into crosses) to the assembled worshipers. The difficulty of procuring palms for that day's ceremonies in unfavorable climates for palms led to the substitution of boughs of box, yew, willow or other native trees. The Sunday was often designated by the names of these trees, as Yew Sunday or by the general term Branch Sunday.
Biblical basis and symbolism
In the accounts of the four canonical Gospels, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem takes place about a week before his Resurrection.
According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and the celebrating people there lay down their cloaks in front of him, and also lay down small branches of trees. The people sang part of Psalms 118: 25–26 – ... Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord ....
The symbolism of the donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is an animal of peace, versus the horse, which is the animal of war. Therefore, a king came riding upon a horse when he was bent on war and rode upon a donkey when he wanted to point out he was coming in peace. Therefore, Jesus' entry to Jerusalem symbolized his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as a war-waging king.
In many lands in the ancient Near East, it was customary to cover in some way the path of someone thought worthy of the highest honour. The Hebrew Bible (2Kings 9:13) reports that Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, was treated this way. Both the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John report that people gave Jesus this form of honour. However, in the synoptics they are only reported as laying their garments and cut rushes on the street, whereas John more specifically mentions palm fronds. The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in Jewish tradition, and is treated in other parts of the Bible as such (e.g., Leviticus 23:40 and Revelation 7:9). Because of this, the scene of the crowd greeting Jesus by waving palms and carpeting his path with them and their cloaks has become symbolic and important.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, Palm Sunday was marked by the burning of Jack-'o'-Lent figures. This was a straw effigy which would be stoned and abused. Its burning on Palm Sunday was often supposed to be a kind of revenge on Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Christ. It could also have represented the hated figure of Winter whose destruction prepares the way for Spring.
Western Christianity
On Palm Sunday, in the Catholic Church, as well as among many Anglican and Lutheran congregations, palm fronds (or in colder climates some kind of substitutes) are blessed with an aspergillum outside the church building (or in cold climates in the narthex when Easter falls early in the year). A procession also takes place. It may include the normal liturgical procession of clergy and acolytes, the parish choir, or the entire congregation.
In the Roman Catholic Church, this feast now coincides with that of Passion Sunday, which is the focus of the Mass which follows the service of the blessing of palms.
The palms are saved in many churches to be burned the following year as the source of ashes used in Ash Wednesday services. The Catholic Church considers the blessed palms to be sacramentals. The vestments for the day are deep scarlet red, the color of blood, indicating the supreme redemptive sacrifice Christ was entering the city to fulfill: his Passion and Resurrection in Jerusalem.
In the Episcopal and many other Anglican churches and in Lutheran churches, as well, the day is nowadays officially called "The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday"; in practice, though, it is usually termed "Palm Sunday" as in the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer and in earlier Lutheran liturgies and calendars, to avoid undue confusion with the penultimate Sunday of Lent in the traditional calendar, which was "Passion Sunday".
In the Church of Pakistan (a member of the Anglican Communion) on Palm Sunday, the faithful carry palm branches into the church, as they sing Psalm 24.
In many Protestant churches, children are given palms, and then walk in procession around the inside of the church while the adults remain seated.

Eastern and Oriental Christianity
In some of the Orthodox Church, Palm Sunday is often called the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem", is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the liturgical year, and is the beginning of Holy Week. The day before is known as Lazarus Saturday, and commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. Unlike the West, Palm Sunday is not considered to be a part of Lent, the Eastern Orthodox Great Fast ends on the Friday before. Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Holy Week are considered to be a separate fasting period. On Lazarus Saturday, believers often prepare palm fronds by knotting them into crosses in preparation for the procession on Sunday. The hangings and vestments in the church are changed to a festive color - gold in the Greek tradition and green in the Slavic tradition.
The Troparion of the Feast indicates the resurrection of Lazarus is a prefiguration of Jesus' own Resurrection:
O Christ our God
When Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead before Thy Passion,
Thou didst confirm the resurrection of the universe.
Wherefore, we like children,
carry the banner of triumph and victory,
and we cry to Thee, O Conqueror of Death,
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is He that cometh
in the Name of the Lord.
In the Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ruthenian Catholic Church, Polish, Bavarian and Austrian Roman Catholics, and various other Eastern European peoples, the custom developed of using pussy willow instead of palm fronds because the latter are not readily available that far north. There is no canonical requirement as to what kind of branches must be used, so some Orthodox believers use olive branches. Whatever the kind, these branches are blessed and distributed together with candles either during the All-Night Vigil on the Eve of the Feast (Saturday night), or before the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy commemorates the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem", so the meaningfulness of this moment is punctuated on Palm Sunday as everyone stands, holding their branches and lit candles. The faithful take these branches and candles home with them after the service, and keep them in their icon corner as an evloghia (blessing).
In Russia, donkey walk processions took place in different cities, but most importantly in Novgorod and, since 1558 until 1693, in Moscow. It was prominently featured in testimonies by foreign witnesses and mentioned in contemporary Western maps of the city. The Patriarch of Moscow, representing Christ, rode on a "donkey" (actually a horse draped in white cloth); the Tsar of Russia humbly led the procession on foot. Originally, Moscow processions began inside the Kremlin and terminated at Trinity Church, now known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, but in 1658 Patriarch Nikon reversed the order of procession. Peter I, as a part of his nationalisation of the church, terminated the custom; it has been occasionally recreated in the 21st century.
In Oriental Orthodox churches, palm fronds are distributed at the front of the church at the sanctuary steps, in India the sanctuary itself having been strewn with marigolds, and the congregation proceeds through and outside the church.
It is customary in many churches for the worshippers to receive fresh palm leaves on Palm Sunday. In parts of the world where this has historically been impractical, substitute traditions have arisen.
In Hoegaarden one of the last remaining Palm Sunday processions take place every year. A fellowship of Twelve Apostles carries a wooden statue of Chist around the town, while children go door to door offering the palms (box) for coins.
In Bulgaria, Palm Sunday is known as Tsvetnitsa or Vrabnitsa. People with flower-related names, (for example Tzviatko, Margarita,Ralitza, Lilia, Violeta, Yavor, Zdravko, Zjumbjul, Nevena, Temenuzhka,Rosa etc.) celebrate this day as their "name day".
In Finland, it is popular for children to dress up as Easter witches and go door to door in neighborhoods for coins and candy. It is an old Karelian custom called Virpominen.
Flowers (in this instance marigolds) strewn about the sanctuary in an Oriental Orthodox church in Mumbai, India on Palm Sunday
In the South Indian state of Kerala, (and in Indian Orthodox,Church of South India(CSI), Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, and Syrian Orthodox Church (Jacobite) congregations elsewhere in India and throughout the West), flowers are strewn about into the sanctuary on Palm Sunday during the reading of the Gospel at the words uttered by the crowd welcoming Jesus, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who is come and is to come in the name of the Lord God." These words are read to the congregation thrice. The congregation then repeats, "Hosanna!" and the flowers are scattered. This echoes pre-Christian Hindu celebrations in which flowers are strewn on festive occasions; however, this also echoes the honour shown to Jesus upon his entry into Jerusalem. Indian Orthodoxy traces its roots to the arrival in India of St. Thomas the Apostle in AD 52 (according to tradition) and his evangelism among both the Brahmans of the Malabar Coast and the ancient Jewish community there. Its rites and ceremonies are both Hindu and Jewish, as well as Levantine Christian, in origin. In Syro-Malabar Catholic Church's palm leaves are blessed during Palm Sunday ceremony and a Procession will take place holding the palms.
In Latvia, Palm Sunday is called "Pussy Willow Sunday", and pussy willows – symbolizing new life – are blessed and distributed to the faithful. Children are often woken that morning with ritualistic swats of a willow branch. People also catch and spank each other with the branches, a ritual often consummating in sexual intercourse.
All the parishes of Malta and Gozo on Palm Sunday (in Maltese Ħadd il-Palm) bless the palm leaves and the olive leaves. Those parishes that have the statues of Good Friday bless the olive tree they put on the statues of "Jesus prays in the Olive Garden" (Ġesù fl-Ort) and the "Betrayal of Judas" (il-Bewsa ta' Ġuda). Also, many people take a small branch of olive to their homes because they say the blessed olive branch keeps away disease and the evil eye (l-għajn ħażina or is-seħta).
The Levant
In Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, Palm Sunday – known as Shaa’nini in Arabic- is perhaps the best-attended service in the Christian Calendar, among the Orthodox, Catholic (Latin rite and Eastern rite), Maronite and Anglican Churches, perhaps because it is notably a family occasion. On this day, children attend church with branches from olive and palm trees. Also, there will be carefully woven crosses and other symbols made from palm fronds and roses. There will normally be a procession at the beginning of the service and at some point, the priest will take an olive branch and splash holy water on the faithful.
In the Saxon regions of the Netherlands, crosses are decorated with candy and bread, made in the form of a rooster. In the diocese of Groningen-Leeuwarden, a great procession with oil lamps is held the night before Palm Sunday in honour of the Sorrowful Mother of Warfhuizen.
In the Philippines, communities re-enact Jesus' triumphal entry with a procession. A statue of Christ on the donkey or the officiating priest mounted on horse process around or towards the local church, surrounded by the palm-bearing churchgoers. In some towns, elderly women spread heirloom "aprons" (made for this sole purpose) or large cloths along the procession route in imitation of the Jerusalemites. Children dressed as angels sometimes sing the Osana ("Hosanna") whilst strewing flowers about.
Once blessed, the palm branches (palaspas), are taken home by the faithful and are hung beside, on or above doorways and windows. Although the true purpose of this custom is to welcome Jesus Christ, many Filipinos hold the branches to be apotropaic, turning away any evil spirits as well as averting lightning strikes and fires.
Many Polish towns and villages (the best known are Lipnica Murowana in Małopolska and Łyse in Podlasie) organize artificial palm competitions. The biggest of those reach above 30 meters in length; for example, the highest palm in 2008 was 33.39 meters high.
In Romania, Palm Sunday is known as Duminica Floriilor.
In Elche, Spain, the location of the biggest palm grove in Europe, there is a tradition of tying and covering palm leaves to whiten them away from sunlight and then drying and braiding them in elaborate shapes.
A Spanish rhyming proverb states: Domingo de Ramos, quien no estrena algo, se le caen las manos ("On Palm Sunday, the hands drop off of those who fail to wear something new").
See also
Crucifixion eclipse
Palm branch (symbol)
PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!
Happy Ram Navami! Holy Birthday of Rama

Today April 1st is known as The Holy Day of Ram Navami. Ram Navami is a famous Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Rama.
At that time Ravan, king of Lanka, was terrorizing the people, and all were longing for liberation from his menace. Ravan had acquired great power because he had obtained from god Brahma the boon that he would never die at the hands of gods, or gandharvas, or yakshas (demigods) or demons. As he was not afraid of men he did not care to include men in the list of his potential slayers. So Brahmadev declared that Ravan would die at the hands of a man. Then the gods went to Vishnu with the request, “Dasarath is a glorious king. Please, take birth in the wombs of his three queens in four different degrees of your divinity.”
When Dasarath’s sacrifice came to an end a shining figure appeared over the sacrificial kund, and offered the king a divine beverage called “payasam” to be given to his queens Kausalya, Kaikayi, and Sumitra. In due time Kausalya gave birth to Rama, Kaikayi to Bharat and Sumitra to Laxman and Shatrugna. Rama was born at noon of the bright ninth day of Chaitra. He was believed to be the embodiment of half degree of Vishnu’s divinity, (ardha ounsh).
Four storeys - even the original Ravana may not have been so tall. But this is the Kali Yuga, when evil is supposed to assume an even more terrifying form. Ravana has his moments of glory, and that too, on Rama Navami, the birthday of Rama.
The effigy of the ten-headed Ravana swaggers through the town, wearing a gaudy crown and exaggerated moustache, with shouting hordes following. But once Ravana reaches the open ground that is his final destination, he is suddenly deserted by most of his "followers" - because the noble Rama has made his appearance.
In the end, righteousness does triumph, even in Kali Yuga. Rama engages him in battle, and finally pierces him with a potent arrow. And the huge effigy of Ravana, filled to bursting with firecrackers, is set alight, and explodes into a thousand bits amid loud cheers from the crowd and shouts of Jai Shri Ram. This ritual is an important part of the Rama Navami celebrations in most parts of North India.
Rama Navami falls on the ninth day of the shukla paksha, or bright phase of the moon, in the lunar month of Chaitra (April-May). The first day of Chaitra , or Ugadi, also marks the beginning of the Indian year.
Rama is one of the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu, and one of the two most popular, along with Krishna. Consequently, Rama Navami is widely celebrated, though not on the scale of festivals like Diwali or Dussehra.
According to legend, Rama was born at noon. Rama is the epitome of perfection, the uttama purusha, fulfilling all his duties towards both family and subjects.
Rama was the first of the four sons of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. When it was time for Rama to be made crown-prince, his stepmother, Kaikeyi, got Dasharatha to send him to the forest for 14 years. His wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana also accompanied him. In the forest, Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Rama, together with Hanuman and the monkey army, built a bridge to Lanka, killed Ravana, and brought Sita back.
It is believed that listening to the story of Rama cleanses the soul. Meditating on the noble Rama and chanting his name is believed to ease the pains of life and lead one to moksha, or liberation. It is also common practice to chant the name of Rama while rocking babies to sleep.
Though Rama Navami is a major festival for Vaishnavites, it is widely celebrated by worshippers of Shiva, too. It is considered auspicious to undertake a fast on the day in the name of Rama. The more devout fast for nine days, from Ugadi to Rama Navami. The objective of the fast is not to ask for special favours of the deity but to seek perfection as a human being. Devotees perform elaborate pujas and chant the name of Rama. Temples of Rama have special services and bhajan sessions through the day.
One significant and popular element of the celebration is the Ramayana parayana, a discourse on the Ramayana, by a pundit or a professional story-teller. It usually lasts nine days, beginning on Ugadi and ending on Rama Navami. A skilled story-teller who can liven up the event by weaving in contemporary events attracts massive crowds.
Since Rama is also one of the most sung-about deities in Indian classical music and literature, week-long (and sometimes, month-long) musical programmes are organised.
Sacred places associated with Rama, like Ayodhya, Ujjain and Rameshwaram, draw tens of thousands of devotees. In Rameshwaram, thousands take a ritual bath in the sea before worshipping at the Ramanathaswamy temple.
Many places in North India host fairs in connection with the festival, culminating in spectacular fireworks on Rama Navami.
Ram Navami 2012: 1st April.
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The Benefits of Responsible Sunbathing

Many people are concerned about spending time in the sun these days. Over the past few decades there has been an exorbitant amount of hype through all types of media that exposure to the sun is detrimental to your health.
It is very easy to believe that what we hear repeatedly from television, magazines, radios and peers is obviously true. While there are many factors that can contribute to an unhealthy relationship with the sun (from poor diet, over-exposure, poor-hydration, and environmental pollutants) spending time in the sun can be incredibly healing, and many people around the world are missing out on this vital key to a healthy lifestyle.
As technology has improved, we have been able to see more clearly what the effects of the sun on the human body are. However, much of this information has been distorted or ignored for the simple reason that it is possible to make money selling protective products to a public scared of something they face on a daily basis.
But let’s stop for a moment and think about it a bit more deeply.
The sun is the center of our solar system, giving energy and life to the Earth and all its inhabitants. For thousands of years, humans have known that the sun was a beautiful healing source, as long as we respect its magnificent power.
Far beyond the superficial appeal of a healthy-looking tan, the benefits of responsible sunbathing are numerous and exciting. Sunshine will increase your energy, mood, libido, and immune system.
Fight Depression
Being in the sun causes your brain to produce serotonin and endorphins which increase your mood and can be very helpful in fighting depression.
Fight Insomnia
Sunbathing can even fight insomnia. Your brain has an internal clock which is set when you are in the sun, as well as causing melatonin production, both of which lead to a better chance of getting a good night’s sleep.
Clear Your Skin
Skin irritations such as acne, rashes, eczema, and athlete’s foot can be cured by sun exposure. Not only does getting some sun clear your skin, it can also give you a healthy glow.
Balance Hormones
The sun can help regulate the production of hormones. Laying in the sun can often help decrease symptoms of PMS or menopause. Being in the sun also stimulates the pineal gland of the brain, regulating its secretions, which may allow for more creativity, insight, and mindfulness, as well as helping to improve your mood.
Break Down Toxins
Sunbathing can help your liver function, and assist in breaking down wastes and toxins in your body which may cause disease or cancer.
Increase Circulation
Exposure to the sun increases both white and red blood cell count and helps the blood circulate more efficiently.
Get your Vitamin D
And last but not least is the most well known benefit of sunshine: Vitamin D. Exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is the best way to attain this essential nutrient. Vitamin D helps the body regulate the immune system, increase calcium absorption, which leads to strong bones, and avoid kidney stones, diabetes, and even obesity. D3 is also thought to improve cognitive functions and decrease the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
So how do you sunbathe responsibly, in order to receive the sun’s gifts without being over-exposed? The first and perhaps most important thing to know is how long you should spend in direct sunlight at one time, as well as the best times of day. The length of time varies depending on your skin complexion*, as well as how much sun you have been exposed to previously.
* Melanin absorbs the UV rays from the sun and the amount of melanin in your skin determines its color. Very light-skinned people have little melanin and need to be more careful about the duration of their time in the sun.
It is important to understand that the time of day you choose to sunbathe is vital. You should never sunbathe when the sun is at its full intensity, at the height of the sky. A good rule of thumb is to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, though this of course varies from season to season.
It is very important to increase your time in the sun gradually, generally starting at 10 to 30 minutes a few times a week, depending on your skin color. As you spend more time in the sun, your skin produces more melanin, so the next time you are sunning, you have more ability to absorb the sun’s rays. Get a good idea of how much you can personally handle, and never stay out long enough to become red or burned.
You might be wondering why I’m not insisting upon the use of sunscreen at all times. This is one of the largest misconceptions about sunbathing. Not only does sunscreen not prevent skin cancer, it can cause cancer in several ways.
When you wear sunscreen your body does not produce Vitamin D3 from sunlight. This amazing vitamin is incredibly important for your health and is known to help prevent numerous types of cancer.
The vast majority of sunscreens contain a myriad of harmful chemicals. Where do they go? They are absorbed into your skin, where they wreak havoc on the immune system, making your body more susceptible to many diseases, including cancer. These chemicals can even enter your bloodstream and cause damage while being carried throughout your entire body. They can also be washed off in the water, contributing to the contamination of our planet’s precious water supplies.
Wearing sunscreen also gives you the misconception that you are completely protected and can stay out in the sun as long as you would like. People using sunscreen can think themselves invincible and stay in the sun for periods of time that (when combined with the chemicals they are using) can cause lasting damage to their skin or their health.
There are many toxic substances commonly found in sunscreens, which have never been approved by the FDA. Not all types of ultra violet radiation are blocked by sunscreen, including UVA rays, which do not cause sunburn, but can cause skin cancer. Sunscreen can also be known for clogging pores and causing or aggravating acne.
If you are in a situation that requires exposure to the sun for a long time, try to wear a wide rimmed hat and drink a lot of water. If the time in the sun can’t be avoided, try a vegan, chemical-free sunscreen from a company like Aubrey, Devita, or MyChelle.
The safest ways to protect your skin are to pay attention to how much sun your body can handle, drink lots of water, and to eat a healthy, clean diet*. Lack of important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E can make you much more likely to get burnt.
* Animal fats and animal protein, a well as junk food or rich foods can enhance your cancer risk while in the sun. On the other hand, fruits, veggies and whole grains provide cancer-fighting nutrients and antioxidants that will also protect your skin and the rest of your body.
The sun is a beautiful thing, and its light and warmth are required by all life on Earth. Take joy in the amazing sensation of being in the sun, and gladly soak up its benefits, just do it responsibly. Getting no sun at all is just as unhealthy as getting too much. Be a wise and responsible sunbather and your body and mind will thank you.
For info about the Ancient Essene Practice of Sunbathing see here The Jesus Diet:
Absorbing Sexual Energy From the Sun
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