Known by many as Sakshi or Sakshi Gopal Das. He was initiated into the ancient Vedic order of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya, which teaches and practices the ancient (Hari-Nama) Mantra Meditation of Sacred Chanting of Holy Names for spiritual healing and enlightenment. He lived and studied in several ashrams across North America, Hawaii, and India. In the summers of 2002 and 2003 he traveled across N. America with a traveling cultural festival called "The Festival of India" in which he was a main contributer of set-up and break-down, cultural plays, food distribution, chariot-parading, and sacred chanting.
He has been in several musical projects, and is presently a lead-singer in BARAKA (reggae-hiphop bhajan band), Santos and the Saints / The Roots Groundation Family, the Rastafari Nyahbinghi Livity Choir, and the Indiana University African American Choral Ensemble. Sakshi has lead Sacred Chants, Nyahbinghi, and Kirtan/Bhajans at many cultural festivals, gatherings, and yoga centers around the US, Hawaii, and India for over 10 years.
Sakshi is a student at Indiana University, forming an individualized major called: Comparitive Mythos, Ritual, and Sacred and Healing Sound. He is also working presently on a Bachlors in Parapsychic Sciences at the American Institute of Holistic Theology.
Sakshi is a ordained Reverend, Reiki Master, Sound Shaman Aromatherapist, Storytime / Mythic Yoga Teacher, Inspired Poet, Singer, and Musician.
He is also a multi-cultural cook and initiated the first All-Vegetarian Meal Plan at a Bloomington Day-care Center called the BDLC.
Sakshi was recently blessed with his Reggae-HipHop band BARAKA to perform at the Art of Living Silver Jubilee, which was one of the largest Interfaith and Human Values conferences in history, in Bangalore, India Febuary 2006. (
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