Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blessed Mother's Day

Dr. Pillai says: "You may or may not like your mother or simply you don't think about her. No matter what your attitude to your living or deceased mother, the mother's soul deeply loves you and cares for you. The mother herself may not be consciously aware of her love towards her children. If you want to experience miracles in your life, you should re-establish your bond with your mother."

Mother's Day is a special day of the year when we can honor the mother in all forms. It is a day to recognize the women in our lives who raised us and who continue to nurture, educate, and love us each day. We also honor the archetypes of the Divine Mother, who are represented in both ancient cultures as well as present-day society. These archetypes embody the qualities of receptivity, grace and protection. As we connect with the Divine Mother through meditation and mythotherapy, we awaken these divine aspects within ourselves.

Symbols of Unconditional Love:

* Quan Yin is the Divine Mother represented as the Compassionate Goddess or Bodhisattva throughout much of Asia.
* In the Vedic tradition, Parvati is the Mother Goddess who embodies the "Shakti" or creative energy.
* Goddess Isis is the Divine Mother from ancient Egypt who represents healing and intuition.
* Mother Mary is a global symbol of peace, protection and Divine Grace.
* The indigenous cultures of the world honor our Mother Earth as the sacred source of all life. It is the Mother's quality of love and compassion that is necessary to heal our own lives as well as our planet. This Mother's Day, we invite you to celebrate your biological mother and also connect with the archetypes of the Mother Divine to heal old wounds and experience pure, unconditional love in 2012.

Recommendations for a Mother's Day Meditation Practice:

Connect with your mother on this auspicious day of love and beauty. Make sure to call or send a letter and let her know that you love her. A cleansing remedy package is also available to heal relationships of all types. Share this day with your loved ones and offer assistance to those in need. Support a local women's projects or spread your generosity to a charity of your desire. Create wealth and beauty through a daily meditation practice with the sound vibration 'Shreem'. Honor your deceased maternal ancestors with a daily offering of tarpanam. You may also want to order a special ancestor ritual performed in India to honor your mother's soul. Share a divine gift for the Golden Age with your mother.

 Mother's Day is a wonderful opportunity to express gratitude for the women in our lives and to become empowered through the guidance of Divine archetypes. We wish you all a blissful celebration of the Mother Goddess!

In Love and Service, Pillai Center Team PS. To learn how to make up to $1,000/day or more with a blog just like this one, Click Here and watch this FREE Video!